Replies and Preview Time II
Alright, it's that time again, where I reply to comments from the previous page sets and post a preview of Sunday's set. I was supposed to do this yesterday, but work really kicked my ass yesterday (well, all week), and I just felt like dabbling in commission and con work. So, let's do this thing:
Brett: You know those Japanese; so technologically advanced they speak in computer code. As for Yukari, because it's me, I wouldn't be surprised if I had Sailor Moon on the brain when I initially designed her. Thanks for the comments!
Razer: Hahahaha, if that's what was really going on, I'd have a very different readership for sure! But Yukari is essentially introducing us to the main attraction here.
DesignerNinja: I think it's been at least since the hiatus that I've last drawn these two, but I still consider them vital enough to bring back, as you can see. I dunno what it is about me and Quirky Asian Secondaries, but everyone loves them, so thank you. And no, I've a feeling Yukari knows not what "lady-boys" really means. I appreciate your comments; the last panel on the second page is easily my favourite from this set.
Sheila: Thank you! Even though this was originally a series paying tribute to fightan gaems (read: Tekken), I didn't see a reason to use the cliches/archtypes, either. I'm glad these schoolgirls are winners so far. I may have to draw Yukari in a Sailor Senshi-styled outfit, just for the fun of it!
Hunty: That is too funny--art really does imitate life! Glad you like the girls so far!
Sous: Yukari essentially reflects my view on dress codes--they're made to be pushed to their absolute limit! Chris is yet to come, but I can definitely tell you that it won't be that much longer now!
Psychoblue: Well, thank you--and no worries; I feel that these designs are much more closer to how I intended for them to look like. I know if you look in my devArt you can find some of the older illustrations...they've come a bit of a ways!
Satia: Yes, I do know where you'd be going with that one. :P
Everything I know about shading I learned in high least, the gist and the basics, etc. Everything else is just what I've taught and refined myself. I figure with closeups, since there's minimal/no backgrounds, the characters are the focal point moreso than ever, so details are a must. I've only recently learned now to go so far as to add details to the eyes, thanks to digital painting, of all things.
Rennard: Some people certainly don't change--I always did like the way the schoolgirl trio were written, which is why I tried to work them in a little more in the original version. This version will be of no exception, either. And yes; three pages, because I love you all very much.
animeandraia: Hahaha; sounds like you can relate to the girls in a way, then! I've always liked them, so bringing them back is anything but a chore.
Also, remember what you said about Chris and Dante in conjunction with next week's set. ^.~
Jonathan: Okay, so I know you posted in the first page set, but I'll reply to you here--thank you for standing by this comic, even with its struggles over the past couple of years. I feel more motivated to work on this than ever, and despite the fact that I chose a rather chaotic time to do it, I'm determined to tell my story! I hope you'll be at AWA!
Alright, you crazy kids! Here's the moment you've been waiting for (after looking for your name, I'm sure!): A preview for what's to come this Sunday:

(Don't worry, it'll be easier to read on Sunday~!)