Vicious World: Updates Sundays!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
  Vicious World: 1.27 & 1.28 + MESSAGE
Hey guys; time for your weekly dose of Vicious World.

You'll have to forgive my lack of enthusiasm--as some of you know (namely those who follow my devArt page and/or Facebook), I've grown really frustrated working on this series as of recent--a large part of it is the fact that I've been unable to allow time to devote towards things like setting up an archive, character art, and just artwork in general! Another factor is that I'm literally uninspired to work on this, especially because I've become so used to working on the "Archie-on-crack" styled shorts that are featured in the printed comic 'zines.

There's also the matter of my day job, commissions, and other projects that I'm gradually working on; most of which have left me very exhausted (especially the day job).

I've also been extremely negligent in replying to comments as of late--please be aware that I do read everything you all post, so please don't think I'm ignoring you. What I'll do is I'll simply reply to the comments in their corresponding journal, rather than make a new post in the journal as usual.

Anyway. Thanks for being patient and understanding thus far. On with the pages:


- Seong-Ho's face in the first panel looks adorable XD
- As for being uninspired, its understandable, but just make sure you don't lose touch with the characters >_< Perhaps take a break at the end of this first chapter for about... two weeks? A month? Dunno.
- The word verification for this post is "penas". I am not joking. Here is a screen shot:
I've followed along and I've had some thoughts re. your frustration but I haven't said anything because I wasn't sure if you wanted anyone's input or needed to just sort through it all yourself. There's really no right or wrong way of working through these things. Sometimes an outsider can say "well have you considered trying this" and that is exactly what you needed. Other times that sort of advice, although well-meaning, can add to the frustration because although good it isn't really what you need.

As for taking a hiatus . . . why not? It's going into the holiday season and a great time to step back and redirect a bit. The season itself is one that says we should turn inside, slow down, become a bit more introspective. Everything about the outside invites us to turn inward.

Bleh. I'm sounding all wise woman and, before you know it, I'll be running with wolves or something. Or maybe just siberian huskies.

Anyway, love the action and angles of these panels. And how often can I praise your facial expressions before you tell me to shut up? I need to know because I don't want to reach my limit and offend.
Kick ass pages Shadi. Heh heh and quite the ass kicking too. Gotta love Chris, I loved seeing his vicious come out again. That skateboard tech would be a painful way to go down. Ouch.

As for all your feelings, I hear ya. You work really hard on all you do to make sure it's quality. With work and everything else your time is precious and you gotta use it wisely.

Not to turn this into myself, but even with my own project I find keeping to the one long storyline to be a distraction from other things I want to do. Even though story development is something I want to do as well.

What I've found, and perhaps something you could consider is keep submitting on Sundays, but not necessarily always the same stuff. Like it's related, but it's different. It's art, it's a short comic, it's silly doodles, it's part of the storyline, but it's all part of VW.

I kinda have something like that going and I don't really know if it drives my readers crazy or not, but it helps me to keep going. [Though I think I really oughta submit a page this week XD]

And like some have said, there is always hiatus. You can be creating during your "break" so you got a collection of stuff to fall back on when you have your less than inspired moments.

I hope it works out for you in any case. I've been enjoying our glimpses into the VW. :D
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