Your Comments, My Replies: Let's Do This
...okay, so when I said I'd do it Wednesday, I meant "Wednesday, provided that I have the energy to get to it before heading out to my weekly trivia at the gaming pub." Ah well; better late, etc.
So here we go:
Steff: Thank you, hon! I think expressions are truly the foundation of my work. I pretty much know what to do once I have them drafted up.
Razer: If not a T-Shirt,, it SHOULD be a T-Shirt. Because offensive words on T-Shirts is okay with me. :3
Cary: And if he's wearing glasses, the desire to get into said pants goes up about 900%. ^.~
I keep trying to improve those expressions, as odd as that probably sounds! As for Dante, he's really hard for me to draw, so when I feel I get him right, it seems to show, so thank you for pointing that out.
Satia: This is very true (and I did get your message, and it was essentially the same thing that my muse has been telling me for months now.).
Anyway! I'm hard at work on the next Vicious World comic 'zine, which I will divulge more information on in due time, including the first Christmas special in nearly three years!
Labels: Vicious World