Vicious World: Updates Sundays!
VICIOUS WORLD 1.13 & 1.14
HAI GUYS. Okay, so I'm a bit late with the update (it's 3am as of this writing), but Shadi needed some social tiem and boy did she get it! So I'm doing my best to be coherent but you don't care so long as you get your fix--I like that spirit! So without further ado because it's late and I'm tired, here's your pages:
For those familiar with the old continuity, you'll recall this rivalry that Tadasuke and Chris had. While this rivalry doesn't take the spotlight right away this time, you will get more of an understanding as to why such a rivalry exists other than "LOL I'M BETTR THAN U LET'S FIGHT, K" like the old version was.
Labels: Vicious World
Reader Replies and Preview!
Okay, so I'm a day late (you can thank deadlines, fatigue, the weather, and AWA prep), but I have replies and a preview to give! So let's go go go:
Razer: So I take it that you like the face mole? XP As for Tadasuke's headphones, I'm so fond of those big headphones...I wish I had a pair. D: Also, LOLing at Electric Wind Face Mole.
Steff: I could see that happening, too! He does play a good deal of DDR, so I imagine he gets just as flustered missing a beat in a fight as he does in DDR. I'm glad that his return/debut made your sick weekend suck a lot less. <3
I freakin' love Snorg Tees. They sent my order really quickly too, so I may have to place another order soonish! "Your Mother was a Hamster" is pretty damn amazing, too, and your local comic shop is awesome for carrying some of these fantastic tees.
It's been forever since I've drawn a fight scene, and while they'll be rather sparse for the time being, I hope I can draw them decently again soon. I wouldn't be surprised if I was channeling Buffy since I am a fan. XD As for him and Chris smacking down, that's definitely going to happen. And stuff will definitely get damaged.
Hunty: They've always been so difficult to draw, and I need to get back into drawing them more regularly as I struggled to get them drawn properly enough! But thank you for the kind remarks; I feel like I'm doing something right.
Zipchan: Perhaps the mole is a bit over-emphasised; I'll be sure to fix this in a later appearance (and I say this since continuity, etc.). It'll be a bit less prominent coloured illustrations since it'll be of a more natural colour, i.e. some shade of brown. Sorry you can't unsee! D:
Sheila: That reminds me; I need to set up a proper archive system (BEFORE AWA, SHADI), so that way anyone who falls behind can catch up.
As for Tadasuke, he's kinda of a mix of Tekken's Hwoarang and Lee Chaolan, stylistically speaking, with a bit of a beat to his step. It's been forever since I've drawn a fight scene, so I'm a touch rusty, but I'll definitely work hard to get that edge back. Thanks a bunch for the remarks!
Satia: The beauty mark is, more or less, just another step I'm trying to take to individualise characters more, as a means of literally illustrating that everyone is different, whether it's facial structure, body structure, etc. etc. blah blah blah technical artist talk. Anyway, thank you for the comment.
Okay~! It's preview time! Only two pages this weekend, but it serves to set up a future arc. Here's your panel:
Labels: Preview
Vicious World: 1.10, 1.11, 1.12!

Hey guys! So I'm a bit late with getting the pages up, but at 3am, I'm not doing too badly, I hope! I had a birthday Friday, and then the weather has been just awful to boot--thunderstorms, please don't arrive until AFTER I've edited my pages!
Anyway, let's get this on the road--Hirano Tadasuke makes his return (or rather, debut):
Does this suggest that he's the one beating up all those guys? Mayyyybe. Did he just spot Chris and is gonna challenge him in next week's installment? Mayyyybe. ;3
Labels: Vicious World
Replying to Readers and yes; PREVIEW
Hey guys--it's been a rather trying week for yours truly as I'm wigging out over Artist Alley for AWA while trying to make progress on some kick-ass Vicious World goods to sell (which I hope to talk about later). Right now, let's answer all those replies from the previous installment!
Razer: I think this font suits the general style better, so thank you. :D Please don't hit me, but I think Chris was rather awkwardly drawn for most of the panels...but since it's me, you'll have to take that with a grain of salt. I've been wanting to have Seong-Ho say "ALL OF MY HATE" for a while now! And yes; OBLIGATORY BLUE BOLT REFERENCE. :D
Brett: I'm sure Chris would be okay with this--just having the name "Brock" would make him feel SUPER MANLY. As for what's next: ACTUAL FIGHTAN. FOR A MINUTE.
DesignerNinja: Thank you~! He's become very easy to write in recent years, and I think the side books helped with that (and the encouragement from readers like you). To be honest, I almost consider the action scenes to be the filler, while the scenes were the boys are being the boys are the main show!
animeandraia: I want Seong-Ho's hammer shirt--
It's actually based on this shirt! I imagine that Chris going a certain period of time without beating someone senseless is essentially like dividing by zero, and we just can't have that. I absolutely feel your dad's pain, BTW. I never even finished the book--I winged the test we took on it thanks to the Cliff Notes. That book is just so dreadfully dull, and now Chris gets to suffer through it too!
Rennard: Nobody can say that Chris and Seong-Ho live in the world of! Now if only we could get a hoverboard for Seong-Ho...
Thank you for the comments. Seems a lot of people are glad to see Chris' Korean Love Bride again.
Erika: It only took several hundred thousand tries...those Asians and their scary gaming skills...! If you do attempt such art, it would make great material to publish in my next 'zine, with your permission! And you know I gotta reference Tekken...! XD
Satia: As far as the title goes, I felt timing was the way to go, if such a thing exists in printed media. I know in some of the Marvel books, the title doesn't always show up in the beginning, so I took a cue from that (whether DC does as well, I don't know, since I don't really read DC). Seong-Ho's "All of my hate" face is my favourite. I actually managed to draw it entirely from my mind; I'm so used to drawing varied expressions that I can easily think them up rather than stand a mirror--my face almost froze in a weird expression the last time I tried to reference a face anyway. D: And link my site, will you...?! :P
Psychoblue: Oh, these boys definitely take their game with them when they play. Plus, it's a reflection of my own preference of playing on stick.
Alright, so before I sign off until Sunday's update, here is a preview of what to expect--there's yet another character who will be appearing, and I'll go ahead and reveal him since there's just no way I could post a preview without showing him off in some way:
Vicious World: 1.8 and 1.9!
Sunday already? YES! And while I wasn't able to give you guys a preview, at least take comfort in knowing that I have the pages here, in full, and ready to read. As the pattern seems to be as of late, another face joins the crowd: that's right, Chris' Korean Love Bride (lol not really), Seong-Ho. YOUR PAGES:

For those curious, they are playing Tekken 6, and are communicated via Bluetooth phones (apparently Chris can't be bothered to get a gaming mic for some reason). Chris' adversity towards his book report of "Wuthering Heights" echoes my own experience from high school when I had to read it for my honours British Literature class. I couldn't finish the book because it was so insufferably dull and wound up referencing the Cliff Notes.
Anyway! There are your pages this week, and as I'm sure you've all seen, there's new artwork at vicious-violet dot com. If you've not seen it, go go GO, or wait until I post it somewhere.
Also, next week you guys will be treated to three pages, and yes; another character gets introduced. Goody!
Labels: Vicious World
Replies to 1.5-7; No preview (PLEASE READ)
Okay, so it's time to do the replying thing that I do. There's no preview this week, and I will explain why after I reply to everyone:
Razer: And thus the two most notorious characters begin making their way into the series. :D And yes; locker door! Which will likely spark off something of a running gag.
animeandraia: D'oh! I should go and correct that. D:
Well, if reading excessive yaoi manga has caused you to see things out of context, I won't stop you. :P
And it says a lot about the people in Ridgeport if they can casually discuss someone beaing beaten with a locker door, hahaha. Thanks for the comments about the expressions.
As for your least one of them may be true. ^.~
Brett: I've always wanted an excuse for Chris to shout "PEESASHIT!" And you just might have to play that song, especially on the occasion that Chris beats someone senseless.
Yukari's friends are indeed an adorable bunch. I think Nozomi pulls off the side ponytail pretty well. *of course, that's in my biased opinion.*
Sheila: Everyone loves the locker door panel! I may have to see what I can do to make it more than just a mere passing remark! Yukari is easily the head of the pack--she's always sincere, and takes charge simply because she can. I'm sure she's already proven to be above the schoolgirl stereotype in that aspect.
I haven't been in high school in a decade, but the gossip aspect, while I never really partook in it, can make for good dialogue when need be. Thanks!
Satia: That reminds me; I lack sufficient Edward Gorey books in my collection of things. D: I figured it would be easier to identify blood as blood if I coloured it red. Pretty morbid of me, I know. Also, I failed to clarify, but the girls aren't twins. They're supposed to be cousins, but I guess I need to try harder to differentiate the two. D:
Thank you for the comments on the expressions, too.
Leaf-nin: Chris can be a smarmy bastard. Looking at it compared to the rest of what I have, this introduction fits perfectly with the arc's theme. And thank you for the remark about the locker incident!
Erika: I think the fact that they're serious and goofy at once makes them come across more like people. I appreciate your noticing! AND YAY FOR CHRIS INDEED.
Steff: And that's why I love you. :D And it does seem like I introduce someone new every week--in fact, there's another person to be introduced this weekend!
Jonathan: I won't lie; it'll be a minute before Dante shows up, but he'll be, well, Dante. As for Odachi, I think I had told you last AWA that I wanted to step up her role, and by establishing out the gate that she has a serious interest in the matter at hand, she's pretty much set to be a main. Thanks as always for the comment!
Adam: Hey, hon! I really appreciate your checking out my pages! I always try to do my best to make each character interesting through detailed expressions and just plain details, so thank you for your input.
NO PREVIEW THIS WEEK: The short of it is that I have a serious deadline pertaining to AWA to meet by the end of the weekend, and work has really drained and caused me some serious fatigue. :/ There will be pages this Sunday, though! I just couldn't get myself to scan them in and edit a little preview, and I apologise. Hopefully next week will go more smoothly. Thanks for bearing with me, guys--I'll see y'all on Sunday!
Labels: Replies
Thursdays are the new preview days...
...since Wednesdays are leaving me really tired. At least, this is the second Wednesday in a row. D: So I will post thank you messages and a preview of Sunday's set tomorrow.
Vicious World: 1.5, 1.6 AND 1.7!
As I promised last week, you guys are getting spoiled with an additional page! So let's do this thing since one week is a long time to wait for more pages:

CHRIS FINALLY APPEARS! a cameo, as Nozomi and Naomi fill Yukari in on what's going on, since as you all now have learned, Yukari is a fairly new resident and doesn't know. But do the girls really know? Oh yeah, and have a Dante Dane sighting.
(animeandreia, whether you're aware or not, you basically called it. ^.~)
Anyway, next week brings in more characters. Who will be introduced next time...?
Labels: Vicious World
Replies and Preview Time II
Alright, it's that time again, where I reply to comments from the previous page sets and post a preview of Sunday's set. I was supposed to do this yesterday, but work really kicked my ass yesterday (well, all week), and I just felt like dabbling in commission and con work. So, let's do this thing:
Brett: You know those Japanese; so technologically advanced they speak in computer code. As for Yukari, because it's me, I wouldn't be surprised if I had Sailor Moon on the brain when I initially designed her. Thanks for the comments!
Razer: Hahahaha, if that's what was really going on, I'd have a very different readership for sure! But Yukari is essentially introducing us to the main attraction here.
DesignerNinja: I think it's been at least since the hiatus that I've last drawn these two, but I still consider them vital enough to bring back, as you can see. I dunno what it is about me and Quirky Asian Secondaries, but everyone loves them, so thank you. And no, I've a feeling Yukari knows not what "lady-boys" really means. I appreciate your comments; the last panel on the second page is easily my favourite from this set.
Sheila: Thank you! Even though this was originally a series paying tribute to fightan gaems (read: Tekken), I didn't see a reason to use the cliches/archtypes, either. I'm glad these schoolgirls are winners so far. I may have to draw Yukari in a Sailor Senshi-styled outfit, just for the fun of it!
Hunty: That is too funny--art really does imitate life! Glad you like the girls so far!
Sous: Yukari essentially reflects my view on dress codes--they're made to be pushed to their absolute limit! Chris is yet to come, but I can definitely tell you that it won't be that much longer now!
Psychoblue: Well, thank you--and no worries; I feel that these designs are much more closer to how I intended for them to look like. I know if you look in my devArt you can find some of the older illustrations...they've come a bit of a ways!
Satia: Yes, I do know where you'd be going with that one. :P
Everything I know about shading I learned in high least, the gist and the basics, etc. Everything else is just what I've taught and refined myself. I figure with closeups, since there's minimal/no backgrounds, the characters are the focal point moreso than ever, so details are a must. I've only recently learned now to go so far as to add details to the eyes, thanks to digital painting, of all things.
Rennard: Some people certainly don't change--I always did like the way the schoolgirl trio were written, which is why I tried to work them in a little more in the original version. This version will be of no exception, either. And yes; three pages, because I love you all very much.
animeandraia: Hahaha; sounds like you can relate to the girls in a way, then! I've always liked them, so bringing them back is anything but a chore.
Also, remember what you said about Chris and Dante in conjunction with next week's set. ^.~
Jonathan: Okay, so I know you posted in the first page set, but I'll reply to you here--thank you for standing by this comic, even with its struggles over the past couple of years. I feel more motivated to work on this than ever, and despite the fact that I chose a rather chaotic time to do it, I'm determined to tell my story! I hope you'll be at AWA!
Alright, you crazy kids! Here's the moment you've been waiting for (after looking for your name, I'm sure!): A preview for what's to come this Sunday:

(Don't worry, it'll be easier to read on Sunday~!)